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Vader's Sabers

Lightsabers that are almost real. Really.
We wanted our lightsabers to blur the line between imagination and reality.  These high-end props are as close as you can get to the real kyber-crystal powered sabers of a galaxy far far away....

All metal custom sabers that are completely unique in design. Simplistic yet stylish with available Baselit, Xenopixel & SN-Pixel.

Metal custom sabers that are more intricate than the apprentice tier. Some of these have exposed crystal chambers and other unique design elements.

Complex and accurate custom sabers. These metal sabers are mostly movie replicas that are extremely accurate to the real prop. Most are available in Xenopixel, SN-Pixel & Proffie cores.

Looking for the absolute best props for your collection? Features like a hidden crystal reveal or a metal chassis truly make these stand out. These are the sabers you are looking for....

Below are some moving pictures showing the different Tiers in more detail.... These samples will give you an idea of the difference between the sabers we offer in our shop.

Apprentice Tier Sabers

Knight Tier Sabers

Master Tier Sabers

Grand Master Tier Sabers

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